Fear? or Faith? Which Will You Choose?

6-28-2015Are you ever plagued with fears that get in the way of living your life? Sometimes we don’t even recognize the fears that we have inside of us that handicap us from fully living the life that God has created us to live. Fear? or Faith? Which Will You Choose? helps us to recognize even hidden fears that may be stopping us from fully accomplishing all that God has for us, and helps us to bring them out into the open so that we can better see, understand, and deal with them in a positive manner. You are not alone. I believe that fear is one of Satan’s favorite tools against us. But we don’t have to let it win! We can conquer its effects with the help of God. I have mentioned many scripture references of people in the Bible who were afraid and yet went on to accomplish great things and to be praised for their faith! And there are worksheets to help us work through our own fears and go beyond them into a life of faith and victory. I share with you from my many years of experience in ministering, study, and living, and especially what I believe the Holy Spirit has guided. Are you ready


Updated: December 27, 2015 — 2:12 am
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