This is an art PRINT REPRODUCTION and a faithful reproduction of an original acrylic word painting by artist Jan Riley
Category: Christian Living
11 Keys To Growing In Christ
Throughout the Bible, 神は霊的な成長の重要性について教会に明確に語られました,,en,彼はすべての信者に、キリストにおいて成長することに日々コミットしている生活の質を受け入れるよう呼びかけています。,,en,この聖書では,,en,栄光の日,,en,礼拝の指導者や教会の礼拝のために特別音楽を歌う人々のために,,en,これはすべての季節の歌です,,en,良い金曜日,,en,イースター,,en,復活日曜日,,en,そしてクリスマス,,en,最も感動的な礼拝の歌です。,,en,イエスは私の教会を殺した,,en,神は永遠に私たちの物語を書いています,,en,そして彼は私たちに時々プロットをしわにするキャラクターを紹介できるという尊厳を与えます,,en,多くの場合、私たちは私たちが,,en,チャーマン,,el,2月,,en,クリスチャンリビング,,en,コメント,,en,投稿を読む,,en,神と共に生きる,,en,信仰,,en. He has issued a call to every believer to embrace a quality of life that is daily committed to growing in Christ. In this Bible Study you will discover 11 keys to growing in Christ.
Jesus Killed My Church
God is forever writing our story, and He gives us the dignity of being able to introduce characters that occasionally wrinkle the plot. Often we fear that we’ve permanently changed the trajectory of what might have been if we’d only been more obedient or pious. He smiles at this. He alone knows how many pages […]
Being A Christian In Today’s World
We live in an age in which has been coined the phrase, “the permissive society”. This expression implies that there are now permitted in human affairs and relationships things which once were considered improper and sinful. Some of these have been condoned by changes in legislation, and in the habits of life of men and […]
Finding Community
Finding community is as critical as obtaining food and shelter, since the need to belong is what makes us human. The isolation and loneliness of modern life have led many people to search for deeper connection, which has resulted in a renewed interest in intentional communities. These intentional communities or ecovillages are an appealing choice […]