Waking up is a vulnerable 27-page expose of the personal journey the author and most who call themselves Christian find themselves on in this life. En resa full av inkonsekvenser som är ohållbara och så småningom leder till en sprickad världsbild,en,Och ändå kan samma resa leda till en radikal återupptäckt av kärlek,en,fred och,en,I denna bibelstudie kommer du att upptäcka,en,Nycklar till att växa i Kristus,en,Äldre inlägg,en,Söka efter,en,Sök,en,Översättning,en,Redigera översättning,en,förbi,en,Transposh,mi,Översätt plugin för WordPress,en,Kategorier,en,Kristna citat,en,Life Trials,en,Andlig,en,Vittnesmål,en,Okategoriserad,en,Nya Inlägg,en,Ändra dina ord och använd dem för att läka,en,Mot tidvattnet,en,Att vara kristen i dagens värld,en,Hur Gud blåser bort mig,en,Krigare för Kristus,en,Gränstema,en. And yet that same journey can lead to a radical rediscovery of love, peace and […]
Category: Faith
A Warrior’s Faith
In A Warrior’s Faith, Ryan Job’s close friend, Robert Vera, recounts how the highly decorated Navy SEAL’s unstoppable sense of humor, positive attitude, and fierce determination helped him survive after being shot in the face by an enemy sniper on a roof in Ramadi, Iraq. Though blinded, the irrepressible Job recovered from his wounds and […]
Fear? or Faith? Which Will You Choose?
Beyond Opinion
Respected apologist Ravi Zacharias was once sharing his faith with a Hindu when the man asked: “If the Christian faith is truly supernatural, why is it not more evident in the lives of so many Christians I know?” The question hit hard, and this book is an answer. Its purpose is to equip Christians everywhere […]
500 Things to Know About Faith
50 Things to Know About Practicing Spiritual Discipline: Ideas to Strengthen Your Soul 50 Things to Know About Living in the Moment: Surefire Tips to Truly Make the Most of Every Moment of Your Life 50 Things to Know About Meditation for Beginners: Tips and Tricks for Easy Meditations 50 Things to Know About Prayer: […]