Category: Spiritual

10 強大的每日早晨祈禱每個基督徒婦女都應該知道,en,每天都帶來許多麻煩,en,問題和壓力,en,財政,en,健康,en,人際關係和生活的其他領域不斷受到敵人的攻擊,很容易失去希望並放棄,en,但,en,不必這樣,en,耶穌告訴我們,他將為疲倦提供休息與和平,en,這,en,轉型的每日祈禱會激發您的靈感,en,變革的早間祈禱,en,戰士的祈禱,en,牧師,en,戰士,en,帶來和平與安息的簡單祈禱,en,耶穌說話,en,改變生活的敬拜習慣,en,早期基督教,en,一個簡短的歷史,en,教我們祈禱,en,熱情,en,稱讚,en,祈禱,en,崇拜,en,父母的管理,en,戰士的心態,en

Every day brings many troubles, problems and stress. Finances, Health, Relationships and other areas of our life are constantly under attack from the enemy and it’s easy to lose hope and give up. But, it doesn’t have to be this way, Jesus tells us that he will provide rest and peace for the weary.  

The Pilgrim’s Progress

The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan is one of the most significan works of English literature. Originally published in 1678, this allegory is the classic story of Christian (an everyman character) and his search for redemption. This edition has be edited by Dr. Jesse Lyman Hurlbut with simplified (yet still elegant and complicated) language for […]

Passion & Praise

Take time to nurture that little bird inside you, that all too often earthbound artist aching to find expression. Pull up a cozy chair and a nice cup of tea. Drink in the ardor of this Christian author’s soul and find inspiration for your own along the way.  

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