Transformation happens when you discover Christ’s finished work. Dôverovať Mu, ktorý žije vo vás odstraňuje odsúdenia a prináša pokoj, zabezpečenia, dôvera, a veľká radosť. Ministerstvo sa stáva pohodové a plodnejšie. Living the Better Covenant is an intensive treatise that covers truths that Mary Felde has taught for many years to diverse people worldwide—with ongoing […]
Category: Uncategorized
God’s Appointed Customs
Are the biblical/Jewish customs just for Jews? Or can Christians also receive blessings by observing them? This book explains how God’s appointed customs can be part of anyone’s lifestyle, Jew or Gentile. This is especially relevant to believers in the Messiah, since Yeshua (Jesus) himself observed them. God’s Appointed Customs is divided into two sections, […]