Jesús va matar el meu Església

God is forever writing our story, and He gives us the dignity of being able to introduce characters that occasionally wrinkle the plot. Often we fear that we’ve permanently changed the trajectory of what might have been if we’d only been more obedient or pious. Somriu a aquest. Només ell sap quantes pàgines s'ha anat abans que ell necessita per dur resolució, i Ell sap que estarà bé.

Jesús va matar el meu Església és la història d'una planta de l'església que hauria d'haver anat Gangbusters però va aconseguir anar a la fallida, and a church planter who learned that the only measure of success is recognizing the leadership of Jesus as perfect. Randy Bohlender relays his lessons learned in a humorous way that drives home a point – that God has a plan even when ours fall apart.


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