Category: Living with God

The Rise of Christianity

Thisfresh, blunt, and highly persuasive account of how the West was won—for Jesus” (Newsweek) is now available in paperback. Stark’s provocative report challenges conventional wisdom and finds that Christianity’s astounding dominance of the Western world arose from its offer of a better, more secure way of life.  

Turning Points

Turning Points Now organized around fourteen key moments in church history, this well-received text provides contemporary Christians with a fuller understanding of God as he has revealed his purpose through the centuries. This new edition includes a new preface; updates throughout the book; revisedfurther readingsfor each chapter; and two new chapters, including one […]

A History of God

A History of GodAn admirable and impressive work of synthesis that will give insight and satisfaction to thousands of lay readers.THE WASHINGTON POST BOOK WORLD In this stunningly intelligent book, Karen Armstrong, one of Britain’s foremost commentators on religious affairs, traces the history of how men and women have perceived and experienced God, […]

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