类别,,en,当你发现基督完成的工作时,就会发生转变,,en,相信住在你里面的主,会消除谴责并带给你和平,,en,安全,,en,置信度,,en,非常高兴,,en,部变得安宁,富有成果,,en,“生活更美好的盟约”是一本密集的论文,涵盖了玛丽·费尔德多年来为全世界不同的人所教授的真理 - 正在进行中,,en,上帝的指定习俗,,en,十月,,en,圣经/犹太人的习俗只适合犹太人,,en,或者基督徒也可以通过观察他们获得祝福,,en,这本书解释了上帝指定的习俗如何成为任何人生活方式的一部分,,en,犹太人或外邦人,,en,这对弥赛亚的信徒尤为重要,,en,自Yeshua,,en,耶稣,,en,他自己观察了他们,,en,上帝指定的习俗分为两部分,,en: Testimonials

为了天堂的缘故,en,由很有才华的安·马库斯(Ann Marcus)撰写,en,为了天堂的缘故,en,是一个关于祖母的故事,她承诺要参加孙女的生日聚会,en,在祖母发现她已故丈夫可能有婚外情的那一刻,en,她心脏病发作并死亡,en,她发现自己在,en,这是一部简短的电影,讲述了今天如何通过重演和叙述者讲述的一些实际故事,这也许是一部短片,en,表演很棒,但信息响亮而清晰,en,在19世纪,en,法典西奈尼,en

Written by the very talented Ann Marcus “For Heaven’s Sake” is a story about a Grandmother who makes a promise to be at her granddaughter’s birthday party. At a moment when the grandmother discovers that her deceased husband may have had an extra-marital affair, she has a heart attack and dies. She finds herself in […]

Faith Under Fire

This is a short movie about how Christians are persecuted today with a few actual stories told through reenactment and a narrator and this maybe a short movie but such an important one as many people live with the imagine this only occurred centenaries ago. The great acting but the message is loud and clear! […]

Tares Among the Wheat

In the 19th century a revolution in biblical scholarship was prompted by the publication of a manuscript – Codex Sinaiticus – 宣布是有史以来最古老的圣经,en,这次发现后不久,en,丹尼尔挺身而出,en,围绕此手稿的争议可能是圣经历史上最令人难以置信的不可思议的章节,en,见证,en,一个年轻人和耶稣一起吃早餐,发现生活的意义,en,他会学到什么,en,将要揭示什么秘密,en,如果您可以与耶稣基督进行私人对话,en,你会问他什么,en,跳入这本鼓舞人心的书,您会发现……。,en. Shortly after this discovery, deniers came forward against it. The controversy surrounding this manuscript is perhaps the most incredible untold chapter in Bible history. Witness the […]

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