Written by the very talented Ann Marcus “For Heaven’s Sake” is a story about a Grandmother who makes a promise to be at her granddaughter’s birthday party. At a moment when the grandmother discovers that her deceased husband may have had an extra-marital affair, she has a heart attack and dies. She finds herself in […]
Kategorija,en,Karavīra ticība,en,Septembris,en,Karavīra ticībā,en,Raiena Ījaba tuvs draugs,en,Roberts Vera,en,Atstāj, kā ļoti dekorētās flotes zīmoga neapturamā humora izjūta,en,pozitīva attieksme,en,Un nikna apņēmība palīdzēja viņam izdzīvot pēc tam, kad ienaidnieka snaiperis viņu nošāva sejā uz jumta Ramadi,en,Irāka,en,Lai arī apžilbināts,en,neatgriezeniskais darbs, kas atgūts no viņa brūcēm un,en,Bailes,en,vai ticība,en,Kuru jūs izvēlēsities,en,Vai jūs kādreiz esat nomocīts ar bailēm, kas traucē dzīvot savu dzīvi,en,Dažreiz mēs pat neatzīstam mūsos esošās bailes, kas mūs mīlēja no dzīves pilnīgas dzīves, ko Dievs mūs ir radījis, lai dzīvotu,en,palīdz mums pat atpazīt,en,Ārpus domām,en,Cienījamais apologs Ravi Zaharijs savulaik dalījās ar savu ticību ar hinduistu, kad vīrietis jautāja,en: Testimonials
Faith Under Fire
This is a short movie about how Christians are persecuted today with a few actual stories told through reenactment and a narrator and this maybe a short movie but such an important one as many people live with the imagine this only occurred centenaries ago. The great acting but the message is loud and clear! […]
Among Ravens
Tares Among the Wheat
In the 19th century a revolution in biblical scholarship was prompted by the publication of a manuscript – Codex Sinaiticus – declared to be the oldest Bible ever found. Shortly after this discovery, deniers came forward against it. The controversy surrounding this manuscript is perhaps the most incredible untold chapter in Bible history. Witness the […]