Kategorija,en,Karavīra ticība,en,Septembris,en,Karavīra ticībā,en,Raiena Ījaba tuvs draugs,en,Roberts Vera,en,Atstāj, kā ļoti dekorētās flotes zīmoga neapturamā humora izjūta,en,pozitīva attieksme,en,Un nikna apņēmība palīdzēja viņam izdzīvot pēc tam, kad ienaidnieka snaiperis viņu nošāva sejā uz jumta Ramadi,en,Irāka,en,Lai arī apžilbināts,en,neatgriezeniskais darbs, kas atgūts no viņa brūcēm un,en,Bailes,en,vai ticība,en,Kuru jūs izvēlēsities,en,Vai jūs kādreiz esat nomocīts ar bailēm, kas traucē dzīvot savu dzīvi,en,Dažreiz mēs pat neatzīstam mūsos esošās bailes, kas mūs mīlēja no dzīves pilnīgas dzīves, ko Dievs mūs ir radījis, lai dzīvotu,en,palīdz mums pat atpazīt,en,Ārpus domām,en,Cienījamais apologs Ravi Zaharijs savulaik dalījās ar savu ticību ar hinduistu, kad vīrietis jautāja,en: Christian Quotes
Holy Bible With over 70 hours of powerful word-for-word narration and synchronized on-screen text, this KJV Bible On DVD brings the scripture to life with Alexander Scourby’s expressive and inspiring voice.
He deserves our continual affection and we ought to make it our habit to praise Him always. But true praise doesn’t just come from the lips in comes from our hearts and hands as we become the example of His love.
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The Bible is one of the most magnificent books ever created. It is by far the most complete when it comes to teachings and doctrines. It is a book of important history and it also transcends time and space. The stories in the Bible are boundless in that, it is suitable for all ages. It […]
Have you ever started to try to read the Bible but felt overwhelmed trying to understand it? You are not alone. Let’s call that point A. For many, the Bible takes a while to appreciate, but once the light dawns, they realize that the Bible, the Word of God, is life. They become as hungry […]