Kategorija,en,Karavīra ticība,en,Septembris,en,Karavīra ticībā,en,Raiena Ījaba tuvs draugs,en,Roberts Vera,en,Atstāj, kā ļoti dekorētās flotes zīmoga neapturamā humora izjūta,en,pozitīva attieksme,en,Un nikna apņēmība palīdzēja viņam izdzīvot pēc tam, kad ienaidnieka snaiperis viņu nošāva sejā uz jumta Ramadi,en,Irāka,en,Lai arī apžilbināts,en,neatgriezeniskais darbs, kas atgūts no viņa brūcēm un,en,Bailes,en,vai ticība,en,Kuru jūs izvēlēsities,en,Vai jūs kādreiz esat nomocīts ar bailēm, kas traucē dzīvot savu dzīvi,en,Dažreiz mēs pat neatzīstam mūsos esošās bailes, kas mūs mīlēja no dzīves pilnīgas dzīves, ko Dievs mūs ir radījis, lai dzīvotu,en,palīdz mums pat atpazīt,en,Ārpus domām,en,Cienījamais apologs Ravi Zaharijs savulaik dalījās ar savu ticību ar hinduistu, kad vīrietis jautāja,en: Life Trials

The OneRevealed

Throughout this book, Karolyne dissects the desire to be married by bringing the heart-struggles that women face to the forefront. Karolyne takes a unique approach by sharing how women can redirect their yearning to be in a relationship, in a way that brings God glory and ultimately fosters a life of hope and fulfillment. Are […]

Hidden Harbors

Hidden Harbors, a nautical novel following two middle-aged best friends, is an honest conversation about the struggles of being “made right” by God, portraying a helpful picture of the process each Christ-follower goes through. In it, authors T&L Pampeyan lift the unbearable weight of unwavering perfection and encourage readers with the reminder that the foundation […]

A Christian Man’s Perspective

Book will depict Christian living through a man’s perspective. It will goes through his test and trials showing his struggles and triumphs in Christ. It will be an open, honest and transparent display of what a Christian goes through but from a man’s perspective. The emphasis will be on faith, belief, and understanding how to […]

Amazing Grace

Grace was a girl who loved stories.Empowered by the strength of her imagination and the love of her mother and Nana, this dramatic, creative girl constantly adopts roles and identities: Joan of Arc, Anansi the Spider, Hiawatha, Mowgli, Aladdin. When her class plans a presentation of Peter Pan , “Grace knew who she wanted […]

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