Walking in Peace in the Midst of Life

4-20-2015Do you want peace in your life?
Are you ready to be free to live and love?

Sometimes all it takes to change the course of our day is a simple, quiet moment of stillness in the midst of our chaotic living. When we choose to practice stillness with God, we open ourselves to His offer of strength, wisdom, clarity, direction and peace. It is from this still, quiet place that we discover the depth of God’s commitment to us and His desire to continually restore and transform us into the people He designed us to be.

In moments of stillness, God gives us the courage to look beyond our problems, fear, pain and insecurities and empowers us to make real and lasting change. Whether we have one primary struggle, or many, there is always hope for greater freedom and deeper peace. In Living Still, Abby Lewis shares her journey from the chaos of anxiety, depression, addiction, physical pain and broken personal relationships to a life of freedom that is full of love, peace and purpose.

Presented with clarity and compassion, Lewis recounts how her spirit, mind and body were completely transformed by learning the practice ofliving still.Her life’s journey inspires us to practice stillness before God where we too can find the courage to identify anything that is holding us back from the abundant life God has for us, and where we find the freedom to be love and give love to those around us.


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