上帝是永遠寫我們的故事, 而他給我們的是能夠引進,偶爾皺劇情人物的尊嚴. 通常我們擔心,我們已經永久地改變的可能是什麼,如果我們想只去過更聽話或虔誠的軌跡. 他對此微笑,en,他一個人知道多少頁,en,您使用的單詞可能會對他人產生深遠的影響,en,一個有害的詞可以造就比你知道的要多,en,一個令人鼓舞的詞可以節省您甚至不知道的心臟,en,用你的話,你可以建立,與他們一起摧毀 - 甚至自己,en,您使用的單詞,en,當您發現基督的完成工作時,轉型會發生,en,相信他的生活在你身上的他消除了譴責並帶給你和平,en,安全,en,信心,en,和極大的快樂,en,事工變得安寧,更富有成果,en,實現更好的盟約是一本密集的論文,涵蓋了瑪麗·費爾德(Mary Felde)在全球範圍內教導多年的真理 - ,en,我們生活在一個被創造為短語的時代,en. He alone knows how many pages […]
Change Your Words And Use Them To Heal
Against The Tide
Transformation happens when you discover Christ’s finished work. Trusting Him who lives in you removes condemnation and brings you peace, security, confidence, and great joy. Ministry becomes restful and more fruitful. Living the Better Covenant is an intensive treatise that covers truths that Mary Felde has taught for many years to diverse people worldwide—with ongoing […]
Being A Christian In Today’s World
We live in an age in which has been coined the phrase, “寬容社會”,en,這種表達意味著人類事務和人際關係中現在允許的事物曾經被認為是不當和有罪的,en,其中一些已被立法的變化所寬恕,en,以及人類生活的習慣,en,受到聖經的啟發和鼓勵,並與,en,上帝如何使我震驚。,en,聖經充滿了上帝希望你如何被愛的例子,en,安全的,en,較新的帖子,en,頁,en. This expression implies that there are now permitted in human affairs and relationships things which once were considered improper and sinful. Some of these have been condoned by changes in legislation, and in the habits of life of men and […]