This is an art PRINT REPRODUCTION and a faithful reproduction of an original acrylic word painting by artist Jan Riley
Tag: Glory of God
11 Keys To Growing In Christ
Throughout the Bible, Boh jasne oslovil Cirkev o dôležitosti duchovného rastu,en,Vydal výzvu pre každého veriaceho, aby prijal kvalitu života, ktorý sa každodenne zaviazal pestovať v Kristovi,en,V tejto Biblii,en,Slávny deň,en,Pre vodcov bohoslužby a tých, ktorí spievajú kvalitnú hudbu pre bohoslužby,en,Toto je pieseň pre všetky ročné obdobia,en,Dobrý piatok,en,Veľká noc,en,V nedeľu vzkriesenie,en,a dokonca aj Vianoce,en,Je to najpohyblivejšia bohoslužba,en,Ježiš zabil moju cirkev,en,Boh navždy píše náš príbeh,en,A dáva nám dôstojnosť, že dokážeme predstaviť postavy, ktoré občas pokrútia zápletku,en,Často sa obávame, že sme natrvalo zmenili trajektóriu toho, čo by mohlo byť, keby sme len,en,cherman,en,Február,en,Kresťanský život,en,Pripomienky,en,Čítanie príspevku,en,Živo s Bohom,en,Vernosť,en. He has issued a call to every believer to embrace a quality of life that is daily committed to growing in Christ. In this Bible Study you will discover 11 keys to growing in Christ.
Glorious Day
How God Blows Me Away!
Be enlightened and encouraged by the scriptures and message with in “How God Blows Me Away.” Andrew presents this book with the truth from the message of Jesus and a beautiful love that God has for children. The Bible is filled with examples of how God wants you to feel loved, secure, confident, encouraged – […]
Lifestyle Worship
We frequently hear the catchphrase, “Worship is a lifestyle.” What does this really mean? It simply means to live a life of love to the Father and mankind. To love generously, giving everything that is within us. The Bible has given us the understanding of “lifestyle worship” as it pertains to being a commandment. The […]