The Secret Power of Speaking God’s Word

纽约时报,en,畅销书作者,en,好消息是上帝想赋予您击败恐惧和勇敢生活所需的力量,en,这就是为什么他在整本圣经中反复告诉你,en,融合实际见解,en,她的个人经历,en,和鼓舞人心的经文,en,这本书将教您如何征服任何恐惧,en,发挥最大的潜力,en,并开始充实的生活,en,恩典感到惊讶,en,每天相信上帝,en,上帝是爱,en,希望收获,en,智慧之路,en bestselling author Joyce Meyer teaches readers how to create change in their lives and truly receive God’s blessings. Includes powerful Scriptures covering over 50 topics, such as patience, loneliness, and wisdom.

Updated: November 22, 2015 — 7:59 am
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